B.E.A.C.H. Binders

B.E.A.C.H. Binder - Bring Everyday: Assignments Paperwork Communication & Homework

The following items can be found in the B.E.A.C.H. Binder:

1) BEACH Correspondence Sheet
2) Mail tab
3) Homework tab
4) Poem tab
5) Planner
6) Zipper pouch

Remember to return the B.E.A.C.H. Binder every day!

1. BEACH Correspondence Sheet:

The BEACH Correspondence sheet will stay in the front of the B.E.A.C.H. Binder for two weeks at a time. This is where the students will record which color they were on at the end of the day on the behavior clip chart. A parent or guardian must initial the sheet daily. I will put a check mark at the very end of each day's row to show that I have checked the binder for parent initials and to see if the (P) has been circled. Please only circle the (P) to indicate that there is an item in the zipper pouch in the back of the binder.

2.  Mail Tab:
Any completed papers or mail from the office can be found under this tab. 

**Please clear out this tab EVERY NIGHT! It fills up quickly!** 

3. Homework Tab:

Please check your child's homework tab each night, but especially on Monday nights, for any items that need to be completed and returned. Thank you!

4. Poem:

We encourage public speaking skills in first grade! Each month a poem will be sent home for your child to practice and memorize. When they are ready to recite it in front of the class, please initial the page. 

5. Planner:

The student planner is used in the morning for our daily message, but also serves as the nightly reading log. On the right-hand side, please write what your child read for homework and how long they read. I love to engage students in conversation about what read the night before and congratulate students that read for longer than 20 minutes! 

5. Zipper Pouch:

Please put all items for me (i.e. book orders, money, permission slips, etc.) into the B.E.A.C.H. Binder zipper pouch and circle the (P) on your child's BEACH Correspondence sheet (located in the front pocket of the binder). This will ensure its safe arrival to school.